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compliance testing in software testing
12 June, 2024
Compliance Testing in Software Testing

Creating high quality software solutions is one thing. But then, every company has a set of protocols, procedures, and processes to follow. What’s more, there is a set of external laws and regulations every software solution must meet. That is why it is essential to ensure all software solutions for a specific company align with…

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AI in Software Testing
11 March, 2024
AI in Software Testing, Benefits & Challenges

Since AI's invention, many industries have revolutionized their ways of operation. Software development, for instance, is one field that requires a project to undergo several phases before launching. Software testing is one of the main…

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Automation Testing Best Practices
28 March, 2023
Automation Testing Best Practices for QA Professionals

While there is no doubt that human testing will always be necessary, the need for automation testing is growing. It provides several advantages for businesses and teams, including time efficiency and comprehensive coverage. So how…

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8 December, 2022
The Best Automation Testing Tools In 2024 and Beyond

The technological sector is moving at a faster pace, and more tools are flooding the market, each with a role to play. Robust tools are being built day and night, and therefore the option remains…

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Test Cases for E-commerce Website
16 February, 2022
Test Cases for eCommerce Website

By the end of 2025 the global ecommerce market size is expected to reach $7.4 Trillion, demonstrating the success of eCommerce websites that have expanded at a breakneck pace over the last several years. And…

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Guide to Automation Testing
10 February, 2022
Beginners Guide to Automation Testing

While developing software, testing helps determine if the product meets the standard requirements. It also ensures the software has no defects. You will complete this testing process using automated or manual tools at the end…

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Smoke Testing vs. Sanity Testing Difference
3 February, 2022
Smoke Testing vs. Sanity Testing -Difference

Every business has worked relentlessly to produce software that provides the best possible end-user experience to remain competitive. Regardless of the business, the drive for improved software requires a reduction in development time and cost.…

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DevOps Testing Best Practices
21 January, 2022
Devops Testing Best Practices

Firms have extensively used DevOps services to improve the quality and timeliness of software delivery. DevOps enables efficient collaboration between the development and operations teams. It enables teams to plan more effectively, communicate effectively, and…

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how to use heatmaps to improve ux
12 January, 2022
How to Use Heatmaps to Improve User Experience

The emotional or cognitive attachment of users within an application or website is a crucial question posed to every experienced developer. User experience design can be an important but tricky area and requires extensive consideration…

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1 November, 2021
The Best Practices For Regression Testing

With the growing popularity of agile methodologies, regression testing has risen to prominence as a value-add. Today, most businesses outsource regression testing services and use an iterative, agile approach to software development. For example, several…

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22 October, 2021
Agile vs. DevOps: What’s the Difference

Agile and DevOps are two software development methods with the same goal: delivering the final product fast and effectively. While many companies are enthusiastic about implementing these principles, there is often considerable overlap between the…

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21 October, 2021
How to Perform Beta Testing of the Product

It is often said that a product cannot be sold if there is no market for it. That is why many firms, particularly those in the technology sector, will have a small number of beta…

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