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SaaS Development Cost
11 May, 2023
How Much Does it Cost to Build a SaaS Product in 2024

SaaS stands for Software as a Service. Therefore, SaaS is a software distribution model that provides application hosting services through a third party. The hosted applications are then made accessible to a wide range of customers over the internet. In the field of cloud computing, there are some associate categories, and these involve IaaS (infrastructure…

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overview of microservices architecture
19 August, 2021
An Overview of Microservices Development

Before understanding microservices, let us know monolith architecture first. It will help us understand microservices better. A monolith is a single large block laid upright that acts as a pillar for the application. A monolith…

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Importance of Single Page Web Apps   
2 July, 2021
Importance of Single Page Web Apps and What Frameworks should you Choose?

Nowadays due to the advancement in technology, there are several designers and developers are tasked with the great responsibility of offering sophisticated and superior web apps. Due to this to satisfy the needs of clients,…

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form of software development
22 May, 2020
Different Forms of Software Development

Software Development involved activities related to computer science whose main focus is on the building, creating the design, releasing, and offering support to the software. But then, what is software? Software is a list of…

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shopify vs magento
27 March, 2020
Magento vs Shopify : Choose the Right eCommerce Platform

To understand the concept of Magento and Shopify platforms better, let us analyze this example: Supposed you have a car that automatically takes you to your preferred destination. The only task is to enter the…

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25 January, 2020
What is the Future of Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Frameworks?

In the current century, a lot of mobile app development keep increasing every other day. Approximately 1.8 million applications on the Apple App Store and 2.5 million applications are on the Google Play Store. This…

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magento 2 migration
7 January, 2020
Importance of Migrating Magento 1 to Magento 2

Most sites are shifting from Magento 1 to Magento 2 to avoid the risk of experiencing unsupported software in the year 2020. The deadline for shifting is dated June 20th 2020. Failure to migrate, be…

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java programming india
27 November, 2019
Why Developers Prefer Java Programming over other Languages?

Java is outstanding amongst other programming languages made ever and it has demonstrated it over the most recent 20 years. Two decades is a hotshot for any Programming language, and Java has picked up quality…

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python frameworks
26 October, 2019
Reasons to Use Python Programming Language

Python is a world-famous simple, powerful and general-purpose computer language. This is an open-source language. It is called a high-level language, dynamic language, graphical user interface language, object-oriented language, interpreter language. Python language can easily…

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dashboard development
28 September, 2019
Top Design Concepts for your Enterprise Dashboard

The dashboard is Database driven application tool that is used for the management of information visually. The basic duty of the dashboard is to organize and store data in such a manner that it can…

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spree commerce development india
14 September, 2019
Top Reasons why you Should Develop Ecommerce Websites with Spree Commerce

Ecommerce business is flourishing nowadays with the advancement of internet technologies. People prefer buying from online stores offering a huge variety of products rather than wasting time in travelling. This trend has also led to…

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angularjs development
26 July, 2019
What is AngularJS? and How can it make your Applications Better

With too many marketing practices existing around the corner, finding out the real worth of products has become a tough task. Similarly, finding the right development tool for engineering an app is even tougher. AngularJS…

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