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Python vs PHP Comparison

Python vs PHP

On a daily basis, we browse through several web applications. Many end-users never understand what makes the apps run smoothly. We must understand that all the web apps are built using various programming and scripting languages, capable of handling the client and server-side functionalities. The challenge for developers comes in when selecting the appropriate programming language. Your development project needs keenness. Selecting the technology for your project greatly impacts the end results.

Some popular programming languages targeting web development projects include PHP and Python. Choosing between the two languages is challenging for many. Both have their own set of pros and cons. In such a critical case, the core requirement is clearly understanding the technology.

So, will you go for Python or PHP? This article provides a comprehensive overview of PHP and Python, highlighting their unique attributes, use cases, strengths, and weaknesses. Once you understand the two, you can comfortably choose the language.

Relevance and Popularity of These Languages

PHP and Python are contributing a lot to today’s programming landscape. PHP has ruled the web development space for decades, taking approximately 78.9% of the websites that run on server-side programming languages. Popular sites like Wikipedia, Facebook, as well as WordPress rely on PHP, meaning the language is widespread. PHP is popular since it is easy to use & has various libraries and PHP frameworks like CodeIgniter, Symfony, and Laravel.

Python has also become predominant for several applications due to its efficiency and versatility. It is simple and readable, contributing a large adoption, and has plenty of frameworks and libraries, like Pandas (good for data analysis), PyTorch & TensorFlow (machine learning), and Flask & Django (you use for web development). Emerging technologies like machine learning(ML), data science, and artificial intelligence (AI) are extensively relying on Python, giving it a leading position in the programming space.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted, and object-oriented programming language that has become famous and a darling to many developers since it is simple, readable, and versatile. Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer, created the language back in 1989 but officially released it for the first time in 1991. The programmer aimed to bridge the gap between high-level programming of the ABC languages and complicated languages like C. The name is attributed to the British comedy group Monty Python, reflecting the desire to enjoy programming. It has evolved and is now a go-to language for several applications, including web development, automation, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and data science.

Python 0.9.0 was the initial version, with features like functions, exception handling, and key data types (dict, list, str, etc.).There have been several iterations with 2000 seeing the release of Python 2.0, which brought in garbage collection and list comprehensions. Python 3.0 was released in 2008 to correct design flaws and enhance consistency. Python 3.11.1 was released on December 6, 2022.

Key Features of Python and Uses

We can attribute the success of Python to the several features that are friendly to both beginners and seasoned developers. Some of them include:

What is PHP?

PHP, which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a widely utilized open-source server-side scripting language predominantly designed for web development. It has been around for years, making it a cornerstone of web development, giving developers an easy time to build dynamic and interactive web pages.

Rasmus Lerdorf first created PHP in 1994. Initially designed as a set of Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts written in C, which Lerdorf used to track visits coming to his online resume. He named the scripts “Personal Home Page Tools,” or PHP Tools. With its growth in functionality, Lerdorf released the source code to the public, allowing other developers to use and improve the script.

June 1995 saw the release of PHP 1.0, the first version of PHP. The language had evolved into PHP/FI (Form Interpreter), which included basic functionality to work with web forms and communicate with databases. Many web developers adopted it due to the simplicity and utility of PHP/FI.PHP 3.0 was released in 1997 and developed by Andi Gutmans and Zeev Suraski. It was a completely rewritten version that introduced Zend Engine’s first version, which became PHP’s strong scripting engine.

PHP 4 was released in 2000 and marked an improvement in performance with better support for web servers. PHP 5 came in 2004, introducing object-oriented programming capabilities and improvements to Zend Engine. PHP 7 was released in 2015, introducing new features like return type declarations and scalar type declarations. PHP 8 came along in November 2020, bringing new features like attributes, union types, and JIT compilation.

Key Features of PHP and Uses

PHP has been popular over the years, and we can attribute that to its unique features and suitability for web development. Some of the features are:

Pros and Cons of Python

Many developers across the different domains make Python their best choice because of its simplicity and versatility. Like any other programming language, Python has its strengths and weaknesses. Once developers understand this, they are in a good position to make informed decisions on when and how to effectively use Python.

Pros of Python

Cons of Python

Pros and Cons of PHP

Pros of PHP

Cons of PHP

When to Choose Python?

You can choose Python for several applications due to its ease of use, powerful libraries, and versatility. Here are ideal scenarios and use cases where Python excels.

  1. Python is good for rapid prototyping and testing ideas quickly. It excels in data science, AI, and analytics-based solutions.
  2. It is a good choice when developers want to swiftly build prototypes and iterate on them.
  3. Consider Python for scripting and automation tasks like web scraping, data analysis, and file processing.
  4. Use Python to build scalable, secure, and maintainable web applications.
  5. Go for Python when you want to write cross-platform code that runs on any platform without the need for modification.
  6. Python is common in scientific computing and research since it can handle complex mathematical computations. Its extensive libraries, such as SciPy and SymPy, are a huge addition. Python can be good for simulations, statistical analysis, and solving mathematical problems.
  7. Python is simple and readable, making it an excellent choice for teaching programming and computer science concepts.

When to Choose PHP?

PHP is popular choice for web development and well-suited for certain scenarios and use cases.

Python vs PHP: The Detailed Comparison

When deciding between Python and PHP for a project, you must consider various parameters to understand which language best suits your needs. Here is a detailed comparison of Python and PHP based on several key criteria.

1. 1st Release:

Python: It was first released in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. Python has steadily grown in popularity due to its simplicity and versatility.

PHP: Released in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf. PHP has been a dominant language for web development due to its ease of embedding into HTML and robust web capabilities.

2. Language Type:

Python: An interpreted, high-level, general-purpose language. It supports several programming paradigms including object-oriented, procedural, and functional programming.

PHP: An interpreted, server-side scripting language primarily designed for web development and utilized as a general-purpose programming language.

3. Syntax:

Python: Known for its clear, concise, and readable syntax, Python uses indentation to define code blocks. The approach promotes readability and reduces the potential for errors.

PHP: While PHP’s syntax is simple and easy to embed in HTML, it has faced criticism for inconsistent function naming conventions and parameter orders.

4. Learning Curve:

Python: Python’s straightforward syntax and extensive documentation make it ideal for beginners. Alongside its readability, plenty of learning resources are available contributing to a gentle learning curve.

PHP: PHP is also considered beginner-friendly, with a simple syntax and extensive online resources. Many web developers start with PHP due to its ease of use.

5. Performance and Speed:

Python: It is fast. Python’s performance is moderate, and while it’s not the fastest language, it can be optimized with tools like PyPy (a JIT compiler) and Cython (a C extension for Python). Python 3.x has improved performance over previous versions.

PHP: It is faster. PHP performs well in web contexts, especially with the improvements introduced in PHP 7 and PHP 8. The latest versions provide significant speed enhancements and reduced memory consumption.

6. Applications:

Python: Python is highly versatile, used in web development (Django, Flask), machine learning (TensorFlow, PyTorch), data science (Pandas, NumPy), automation, and scientific computing.

PHP: PHP is primarily for web development and server-side scripting, powering content management systems (WordPress, Joomla), e-commerce platforms (Magento, WooCommerce), and various web applications.

7. Frameworks and Libraries:

Python: Python boasts a rich ecosystem of frameworks and libraries, like Django, Flask, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Pandas, and NumPy.

PHP: PHP also has a robust set of frameworks and libraries, like Laravel, Symfony, WordPress and Magento.

8. Security:

Python: Python offers strong security features and practices. Security is high, but as with any language, the actual security depends on the developer’s implementation.

PHP: PHP has improved in security. Security is medium compared to Python, but it remains important for developers to follow best practices to avoid common vulnerabilities.

9. Community:

Python: Python has a large, active, and supportive community that is currently growing.

PHP: PHP enjoys a large, active, old, and strong community.

10. Database Support:

Python: Has lesser support for database connectivity. Supports various databases like MySQL and SQLite.

PHP: Has a higher support for database connectivity. Offers robust database support, with native extensions for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

11. Companies (Notable Users):

Python: Some notable companies using Python include Google, YouTube, NASA, Instagram, Reddit, Quora, Spotify, and Netflix.

PHP: PHP is used by major companies like Facebook, Tumblr, Wikipedia, Flickr, WordPress, Yahoo, MailChimp, and Etsy.


Both PHP and Python are great performers in web development. Python may come above PHP in many ways, especially advanced AI/ML and data science solutions. However, it does not indicate that you go for Python and avoid PHP. They are all good programming languages for backend web development.

The final decision on the perfect choice will depend on the project needs and the capabilities of your team in any of the languages, knowledge, and expertise.

Finally, any queries? Connect with our web development company : Aalpha information systems!

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