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Must-Have Libraries, Frameworks, and Tools for Software Development

software development frameworks libraries and tools

Over time the market demand for more programming languages has gone up. Due to this rapid increase, more tools, frameworks, and libraries are also showing up to try and simplify SDLC. Utilizing the right tools and frameworks has the following effects:

However, since there are many libraries, frameworks, and tools in the market, choosing the right one for your project might pose a challenge. Thus we have brought together a list of must-have libraries, frameworks, and tools for software development. Out of the many options that we shall go through, you can choose the best ones for your application.

Top software Libraries, tools, and frameworks in the market today

Angular JS

Angular JS is a structural framework made by Google. It made its entrance into the market in 2012, and since then, this framework has become pretty popular.

You can utilize angular JS to develop dynamic websites. What’s more, you can also utilize this structural framework for SPAs (single-page apps).

Angular JS has some fascinating features, which include:

Node JS

Node JS is a JS (JavaScript) framework that is:

Node JS made its debut in the market back in 2009. It is pretty effective in back-end development.

Various popular corporate applications such as LinkedIn, Netflix, Yahoo, Walmart, and GoDaddy use Node JS.

Benefits of utilizing Node JS

1. It is non-blocking – Node JS can handle multiple events concurrently due to its non-blocking feature.

2. Less Ram Utilization – Applications that utilize Node JS take up less RAM. They are also faster in terms of execution. These two advantages make Node JS great for the development of applications that have heavy input/output bound workflows.

3. Module management – Node JS has a Node package manager that you can utilize to efficiently manage your project. All you have to do to utilize this functionality is to:

4. Impressive back-end performance – Node JS is great for back-end development. You can easily spot and fix bugs and also manage your code more efficiently.


React is a JS library developed by Facebook. It made its market debut back in 2013 and has been in the market ever since.

Node JS is, for one, open-source, which means that you can customize it to suit your need. Secondly, these libraries are flexible, fast, and easy to utilize, making them great for website development. Lastly, when you utilize Node JS, you spend more time typing JS code rather than writing codes that are framework specific. In doing so, you get to save up a lot of time.

Benefits of utilizing React

Virtual DOM – React has a virtual DOM that you can utilize to compare elements locally. It also let’s React libraries render only those components that have undergone a change. Doing so saves a lot of time. Popular brands that utilize React include Yahoo, Facebook, and Netflix

Builds mobile-friendly UIs – React Native builds apps and sites that have a user-friendly interface. It also helps developers build cross platforms applications using JS without the use of Swift and Objective-C.

.Net Core

.Net Core is a next-generation, open-source framework made by Microsoft. You can utilize this framework to create an app that runs on more than one Operating System. Apps made using .Net Core can run on the following operating systems:

Benefits of utilizing .Net Core

It fulfills cross-platform development requirements – Using .Net Core, you can build cross-platform sites.

It is excellent for scalable systems – .Net Core is excellent for scalable and high-performance applications. Hence if your application utilizes Microservices and Docker containers, then you should use .Net Core.


Vue is among the progressive JS libraries that made its market debut back in 2014. Using Vue, you can easily organize the development of your User Interface.

Vue is:

These features make Vue configuration pretty easy to undertake.

Benefits of utilizing Vue

It has a robust support system – Vue supports:

  1. Progressive website applications
  2. Instant prototyping
  3. Development tools from Vue.js
  4. Browser extensions help developers inspect applications and also alter data manually

Disadvantages of using Vue

Vue has one disadvantage, which is that:


jQuery is a JS library that has become pretty popular due to its:

Developers utilize this library to create UIs as it has a simple and clean syntax. It also makes DOM-web page interaction better which boosts a site’s performance.

Benefits of utilizing jQuery

Learning jQuery is pretty straightforward – jQuery is pretty easy to understand. Therefore you can start developing excellent effects and animations with little to no strain at all.

jQuery is lightweight – jQuery is pretty lightweight, and it does not have unusual functions. Therefore, using plug-ins, you can add new functions to boost the performance of your program with ease.


Pytorch is an advancement on Torch, which is a Python machine learning tool.

Benefits of utilizing Pytorch/Torch

Neural layer writing – using Pytorch, you can easily write neural layers. However, to utilize Pytorch, you have to incorporate Python packages and libraries such as Numba and Cython.


Hadoop is an open-source Java framework made by Apache. Hadoop helps developers store and transmit large amounts of data across many servers.

Benefits of utilizing Hadoop

Hadoop is cost-effective – When you compare traditional RDBMS with Hadoop, you’ll find that Hadoop is cheaper. You can hence store large amounts of data without having to worry about the cost.

Utilizes Java – Hadoop is coded using Java; this helps developers tackle tasks faster and more efficiently.

It has a MapReduce feature – Hadoop has a feature known as MapReduce, which boosts information processing.


Choosing the right tools, libraries, and frameworks can be puzzling. We hence hope that this article has helped you find the best combinations to utilize in your project. Every framework bears cons and pros. Hence you have to know the requirement of your project. Using these requirements, you can then weigh in factors such as:

Using these factors, you can quickly identify your project’s perfect combination.

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