Graphic Designer vs Product Designer

Graphic Designer vs Product Designer

In the digital world, you will meet professionals, including graphic and product designers. Some people may confuse graphic and product designers, perceiving that they are all the same or referring to a similar career. Both are indeed creative fields that call for an individual to be extensively keen on focusing on the details. They need you to possess the drive for art and sit down and develop a beautiful element. If you are opting to pursue a design career, you might be confused between graphic design and product design. This article compares and contrasts the two terms of professionals and explores such elements as education requirements and job duties.

Understanding What a Product Designer Means

Product design is a large field that involves several things but focuses on bringing out the specific interactions and user flows for the given products, ranging from websites, mobile applications, programs, or email services. We describe a product designer as an individual who creates and designs new products to use in our daily lives. Problem-solving skills and creativity are key elements here to ensure you develop functional and visually attractive products. The products can range from simple things we use like locks, smartphones, kitchen utensils, clothing, automobiles, furniture, etc. Product designers aim to improve the look, feel, and working of such things to ensure the user has an amazing experience. The field can be so amazing since it intertwines technology and art to ensure the world improves.

The primary concern of product designers is the use of design principles to ensure they achieve usability. We can attribute the roots of this role to industrial design, but this article focuses more on the role when dealing with a software team or digital product. A product designer must be keen from the initial concepts and stay put until the final production.

From the 1990s, there was a need to ensure that digital software became synchronous with brand identities. Users or consumers always need simple and enjoyable applications and software connecting to the main brand. They don’t want to struggle to use such products.

Modern product designers have much concentration on visual communication and connection to user interface (UI design) and the usability aspects that we term as user experience (UX design). Product designers work with the engineering teams, sales, and marketing to ensure they develop a functional, appealing, and commercially useful product.

Some of the activities product designers get involved in include:

  • Conducting user research
  • Generation of ideas
  • Creating product prototypes
  • Testing the products
  • Collecting feedback and making improvements

A Close Overview of a Graphic Designer

Graphic design is a unique field that focuses on the creation of graphics across various platforms. It could be design a poster, ads, logos to run on a website, business cards, brochures, letterheads, billboard graphics, etc. Graphic designers must be focused individuals who always aim to unify things and make them look nice. You must have the ability to make intuitive user experiences. It has been observed that graphic designers happen to turn to product design since market demand requires them to do so.

Let’s not forget a graphic designer is an individual or professional who mixes technology and creativity to make wonderful visual designs that can be used in different places. They use computer software to come up with brochures, adverts, logos, websites, and more. One must get and understand client needs and create designs that effectively relay the intended message or mission. Such works or the outcomes can be seen in websites, magazines, branding, etc.

The primary goal for graphic designers is achieving communication. They always yearn to create artifacts that can easily communicate specific objectives or a brand story. The aim is to inform, inspire, and captivate users. Such professionals work within a team or as individuals across small to large firms. They provide their services to advertising agencies, branding agencies, book publishers, broadcasting houses, etc. some of the end products to achieve include layouts, collateral, brand systems, design artifacts, artworks, etc., helping an entity, book, or brand to tell their story, clarify certain information and have a unique way of connecting to people.

The brand or design should help the user closely understand the history of a particular firm, its beliefs, values, and purpose. Such communication can be achieved through typography, logos, photography, color, etc. How a brand makes users/customers feel is what defines their brand story, and visual storytelling brings out the connection.

What the Graphic Designer Does

There are several processes related to the graphic designer.

  1. Collect client briefs and carry out research. A graphic designer must sit down with the client or get the client to provide a brief of what they need. The designer then studies the requirements, the target audience, and intended objectives and ensures they fully understand them before any implementation. They then have to thoroughly research market trends and the competitors, which acts as a strong basis for gaining insights.
  2. Creating the concept. Once thorough research is carried out, a graphic designer should ideate the results and come up with multiple design concepts. Experimentation happens at this stage, where various color palettes, typography, layout, and imagery are tested to ensure that there is clear relaying of the client’s message through visual means. Additionally, explore this diverse range of professionally crafted product flyer templates, tailored to convey your message effectively based on thorough client briefs, market research, and design refinement.
  3. Developing the design. After choosing the concept, the next stage is the development and refinement of the design. The professional will come up with hand-drawn illustrations or use the necessary design and prototyping tools like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator to create digital artwork.
  4. Seek feedback and make revisions. The designers will communicate with customers at every stage, request the client’s feedback, and make revisions where necessary, depending on the client’s input. Adjustments are made to ensure that all expectations about the client are achieved.
  5. Finalizing and ultimate delivery. Once the revisions are complete, designers will concentrate on finalizing the main design. They always aim to achieve quality, accurate, and consistent results. Once happy with what they see as the final result, they save the file in a format that can be printed or appropriate formats ready for digital distribution.

Graphic Design vs. Product Design: Similarities

Product Designer vs Graphic Designer

The two fields are so unique, and they have some similar aspects.

  • They both focus on creating visual communication, with design principles being the core tools to achieve this. We understand that graphic design has a primary focus on visual communication through the combination of images and typography to pass across a given message. Product design manages the workflow of creating practical products that interest users.
  • The core design principles like color, composition, layout, and typography apply to both.
  • They make extensive use of digital tools. Graphic designers commonly use Adobe Creative Suite to achieve digital artwork, while Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is commonly used by product designers for product modeling and prototyping.
  • Both fields apply the use of design thinking principles in solving problems and creating innovative solutions. The principles involve researching, idea generation, prototyping, and initial testing to ensure the achievement of the best outcome.

Graphic Design vs. Product Design: Differences

The two fields differ in several aspects, as indicated below.

  • Focus and Purpose

The principal focus of graphic design is to create visual content for purposes of effective communication. These include brand identity, logos, typography, and ads. This not only capture attention but also help in getting more engagement on social media. Additionally, if you are new on social media you can use branding methods to grab real likes and followers.

The core focus of product design is coming up with functional solutions (digital/physical products) catering to user needs or problems. Such include apps, furniture, appliances, and electronics.

  • User Interaction

Graphic design is a one-way communication. The designer packages the idea or message and presents it to the audience.

Product design is a two-way communication between the user and the product. Product design aims at creating a user-friendly and intuitive experience.

  • Medium

You will need certain software tools while doing graphic design to achieve the needed designs. The tools can be Adobe Creative Suite with Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator.

Product design will require one to use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and 3D modeling tools like Fusion 360 or SolidWorks.

  • Timeframe and Lifecycle

Graphic design projects have shorter timelines focusing on quick-to-produce designs and can be iterated easily.

Product design projects have longer timelines, focusing on researching, coming up with prototypes, testing, and revising the design to ensure the creation of a functional, durable, and visually appealing product.

  • Skills and Expertise

Graphic designers require a strong background in color theory, visual communication, digital design tools, and typography.

Product designers need an extensive skill set, including understanding the materials, the processes involved in manufacturing, 3D modeling, prototyping, and design principles targeting the user.


For product designers:

To achieve the intended user needs, the product designer adheres to the following process that is more of an experimental track:

  1. Discover, User Research, and Analysis: Product designers are involved in idea conception before doing user research to clearly understand the target audience. They also do research on market trends and analyze user needs. This is also a stage where problems are identified, and user feedback is collected.
  2. Concept Development (Sketch & Brainstorm): After research comes the phase of sketching and brainstorming on the possible solutions. This phase will see the creation of prototypes, wireframes, and mockups for clear visualization and testing of the particular ideas.
  3. Collaboration and Iteration (Design Critique & Feedback): This is the stage where product designers work closely with other teams like marketers, UX designers, and engineers. They form a stable team to ensure the designs go through the teams for critique. Once feedback is provided, they then focus on refining for a better user experience.
  4. User Testing (Prototyping and experimentation): User testing is carried out to gather insights and validate design decisions. The product designers keenly watch the user interactions, carry out data analysis, and iterate where possible.
  5. Finalization and Handoff: Once several iterations have been done, the design is finalized, high-fidelity mockups are created, and detailed documentation and specifications are created. These are then handed to the development team.

For graphic designers, the process could be a bit easy and linear:

  1. Availing of a creative brief
  2. Carrying out research
  3. Brainstorming and sketching out first concepts
  4. Going through design critique and rounds of feedback
  5. Iteration and review phases
  6. Finalizing and publishing in accordance with standard requirement

Transitioning to Product Design

Going from graphic design to product design can be a challenging process. For a smooth transition, here are some steps to follow:

  • Do an assessment of your skills and interests. Moving from graphic design to product design will require you to recognize your strengths and weaknesses and what excites you. Sit down and determine if your interests and aptitudes are in unison with product design.
  • Explore more on the field. Read the latest trends and developments in product design and understand the techniques and tools in use. Such a step helps you know what you should expect.
  • Interact with other professionals during industry events, LinkedIn, and in online communities. You learn and get advice from experienced players.
  • Amass the requisite experience. You can work on personal projects or volunteer for some organizational design projects to get a chance for hands-on experience.
  • Come up with a portfolio. A portfolio reveals your work and can include your work related to graphic & product design; research carried out, your thorough organization, and other soft skills. Demonstrate how you use creativity and innovation in user-centered designs.
  • Get mentorship. Find an experienced product designer to get guidance, advice, and support as you traverse your transition experience. Such mentors can also connect you to relevant employers.
  • Continuous learning and staying updated. Continuously research and learn as you update your skills. Stay up-to-date. Go to seminars and workshops and register for online courses to align with current industry standards.


After a closer look at the roles of product designers and graphic designers, we deduce that they are both important in shaping our world. We have seen that graphic design focuses more on branding, visual communication, and aesthetics, while product design focuses more on creating user-centered and functional products. Choose wisely, and make you join the world of innovations.

Any queries? Feel free to connect with us today and get a advice from our experts at Aalpha information systems!


Written by:

Stuti Dhruv

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.