flask vs django

Flask vs. Django Difference, Which is Better?

Building a reliable web app requires a stable, faster, and easy-to-use framework. When using Python programming language for web development, you can use either Flask or Django popular frameworks. But then, which one should a developer choose? How does Django differ from Flask? To understand more of these and other valuable insights on the battle between Flask and Django, keep reading this guide.

What is Flask? Detailed Overview of Flask Framework

Flask is a reliant micro-framework for app development, which was developed by Armin Ronacher in 2011.

It comes loaded with resourceful libraries, technologies, and tools that play significant roles in web app development processes.

Zillow, Reddit, Lyft, Netflix, and Samsung are examples of big brands that use Flask in their operations.

Features of Flask

Flask has outstanding features that make it unique in its own way. These features include the following:

  • Lightweight & minimalistic

Flasks possess few dependencies, releasing components that are only relevant for web development projects. For instance, when testing, templating, handling requests, and routing, Flask will release components that are only essential for specific tasks. This makes it a simple framework to learn and master while giving you the flexibility to manage all of your app development processes in a seamless manner.

  • Jinja2 templating engine

Developers can easily write dynamic HTML templates using Python syntax, thanks to Flask’s Jinja2 default template.

The template also supports expressions, filters, macros, inheritance, and security features for a reliable & secure app development process.

  • WSGI compliant

Flask meets all the WSGI – Web Server Gateway Interface guidelines and regulations. These guidelines define communication between web apps and web servers. Therefore, Flask is compatible with any server that supports WSGI. Examples are Apache, uWSGI, and Gunicorn.

  • Extensible & modular

A developer can easily organize the application into smaller components, better known as blueprints, that can be reused. This is because Flask supports a modular development approach.

What’s more, Flask has a solid ecosystem of extensions that provides more functionalities like emails, caching, authentication, and integration of databases, among many others. A developer simply selects relevant extensions in relation to the project type and then customizes them to align with the project’s guidelines.

Why use Flask? Top benefits of Flask Framework


There are reasons why a developer would prefer to use Flask and not Django. However, both frameworks have their best sides and challenging sides. Below are the advantages of using Flask for app development:

  • Flask is highly scalable
  • Creates a seamless environment to build prototypes faster and easily
  • It is easy to integrate new technologies when using Flask
  • Highly flexible with total access controls
  • Developers can experiment with architecture and library when using Flask
  • Simplified code base for simplified functionalities
  • Perfect for small projects
  • Has Werkzueg for easy URL routing
  • Offers seamless database integration
  • It is extensible

Challenges of using Flask

While Flask has a lot to offer when developing an app, it has a set of challenges and limitations, as highlighted below:

  • It is hard to maintain the Flask framework
  • Flask doesn’t support multi-page applications
  • Relies on extensions for object-relational mapping
  • Flask doesn’t have security features
  • Flask lacks an in-built admin site

Use cases of Flask

Flask is a renowned framework that promotes a seamless app development process. Developers can choose and customize specific features to produce an app that aligns with the goals and objectives of the specific project. Below are some instances when developers can use Flask effectively.

  • Educational Projects

When teaching about web development concepts and practices in learning institutions, Flask is the best framework to use, thanks to its clear structure and simplicity. Students can learn and master backend & frontend connections, templates, and routes easily with Flask.

  • Web Applications

When building social media platforms, e-commerce websites, and blogs, among many other web apps, Flask is the best framework to use due to its flexibility and simplicity. It simplifies even complex projects and suits even smaller projects.

  • Prototyping

The lightweight nature of Flask makes it the best framework for prototyping project ideas and concepts. Developers can seamlessly develop and test their idea concepts with Flask without complicating the whole process.

  • Data science and machine learning integration

It is easy to create data science and machine learning model interfaces when using the Flask framework. The code simplicity enables developers to create these solutions to promote smooth user navigation and interaction.

  • Microservices

Flask is the ideal framework to use when creating microservices. It has features that promote separating components into smaller deployable elements for app development. Developers can, therefore, have an easy time creating microservices using Flask for different functionalities.

  • Webhooks

Webhooks extract data from external services once a specific action or event happens. It is easy to create endpoints to listen to events and execute relevant actions using Flask. These processes are important in ensuring the stability and viability of an app.

  • Interactive Dashboards

When building interactive dashboards for real-time data visualization, Flask is the best framework to use. Flask’s exclusive features make it easy to create interactive dashboards for easy monitoring, reporting, and data analysis.

  • API Development

APIs are helpful in sharing data, integrating different services, and performing specific actions. With Flask, you can build RESTful APIs to enhance seamless communication between systems.

  • Small to Medium-sized Websites

If you are creating simple websites that follow simplified processes, then you can use Flask due to its lightweight nature. It will enable you to execute functionalities that support different features.

What is Django? Detailed Overview of Django Framework

Adrian Holovaty and Simon Willison released Django, an open-source framework for web development, in 2005.

The robust Python-based web development framework, Django, has full-stack components, including table settings, unit tests, form validation, cookies, requests & troubleshooting, and template layouts, among many other functionalities that enable developers to build self-reliant web apps.

Django uses MVT – Model View Template structural patterns to allow developers to execute complex tasks seamlessly, especially when building data-driven websites and high-intensity apps.

Django is known for its simple code, reusability, pluggability, and low-coupling features. In fact, renowned companies such as Discovery Channel, Quora, Mozilla, Spotify, National Geographic, and Instagram use the Django framework for all their web and app development projects.

Features of Django

So, what makes Django unique? Why would a developer opt to use Django just to explore specific features? Below are the features that define the Django framework and its viability in project development:

  • Scalable

The scalability of Django makes it easy for developers to transition from small to large projects during the development period.

  • Rapid Development

The main reason behind the Django framework invention was to speed up the app development timeline.

  • Fully loaded

Django comes with libraries and modules that simplify basic development tasks. With Django, tasks such as RSS feeds, site maps, content administration, and user authentication are executed seamlessly.

  • Secure

Django framework follows strict security measures, allowing developers to bypass common security threats such as cross-site requests, cross-site scripting, and SQL injections. Django’s user authentication protocol allows a safe and secure way to control and manage passwords and accounts.

  • Open Source

The open-source nature of Djago makes the framework available at no cost. A user can easily access and download it from the public repository with source code. This cuts down on the overall development costs.

  • Strong and reliable community support

Django, being among the popular frameworks, has a solid and active supportive community. It is easy to connect and share valuable insights about the Django framework.

  • Versatile

The versatility of Django makes it possible to build apps for distinct domains. A company for instance, can build scientific computing platforms, social network sites, or content management systems with the help of Django.

Why Use Django? Top Benefits of Using Django Framework


Developers would choose Django over any other framework because of the following:

  • Fast

Django is fast. Developers can produce a viable app faster when using Django. Besides, the costs are reduced from the initial stages to the final release stages. Therefore, if working on a project with tight deadlines and a fixed budget, Django is the ideal framework to use.

  • Secure and up-to-date

Django follows the latest industry updates and trends, be it security, tech solutions, or any other valuable update that will enhance project development.

This makes it the most preferred framework for developing web and applications. In fact, if you use an older Django version, the framework will implement the latest security features, creating an ultimate solution for the entire development process.

  • DevOps compatibility

DevOps is a project development strategy that aims at reducing the project development life cycle while ensuring all business objectives and goals are met. Especially if you are dealing with a complex project, using Django to leverage DevOps strategies is the best solution. With Django and DevOps, you can perform the following:

  • Enhance collaborative working environment to increase productivity
  • Offer operational support to solve problems seamlessly
  • Implement a continuous delivery strategy for a seamless development process.
  • A wider, active, and supportive community

Whether you are searching for an expert Django developer, you can easily find one. Again, if you are a beginner Django developer or even an expert Django developer searching for useful insights and information on Django implementation, then you can easily connect with the valuable, supportive Django community.

Though the professional and active community, you can get answers to specific questions and get guidelines on the processes and steps to follow when using Django.

  • It’s easy to find Django developers to hire

The large Django community is made up of professionals and expert developers. Therefore, if you are searching for reliable Python developers, you won’t spend a lot of time searching for a perfect match.

What’s more, the consistency in coding practice in Django makes it easy to replace your team members. This is because Django developers can easily read other developer’s code. Django documentation is the same.

  • Documentation

As an open-source framework, Django has the best and most reliable documentation sets. Its organization and structure make work easy, especially for beginner developers.

Depending on what you are looking for, you can always find the solutions through the detailed guide.

Challenges of using Django Framework

While Django has a lot to offer to developers, the framework has a set of challenges that can’t go unnoticed. Below are the

  • It is not ideal for simpler projects

Django, being a popular and high-end framework, has complex features, making it not work best on small or simple projects. This is contrary to the Flask micro-framework, which has simple features for rapid development.

  • Monolithic

Django lacks flexibility on matters to do with project architecture. A developer must follow a specific process without changing anything to execute an action or access a file. This denies developers the flexibility to customize, tailor, and app and implement creativity during the development process.

  • Cannot Handle Multiple Requests

Most web frameworks allow multiple request handling to enhance web app processing. However, Django lacks this functionality, thus limiting developers from processing multiple requests. Ideally, a developer is forced to strategize how to handle multiple requests in a seamless manner.

  • Tightly Coupled Components

In most cases, all the components of frameworks are usually maintained loose to enable developers to move them easily. This does not apply to Django since the components are tightly coupled, forcing developers to install all components on the go. The process and be complex and time-consuming.

When to use Django

With Django, you can build different solutions since it is a versatile framework and is compatible with many databases. Be it a small or complex project, you can implement best practices when using Django and build the solutions effortlessly. Nonetheless, use Django when building the following:

  • Everything as a service – XaaS

Whether you are creating IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS – everything as a service, Django is the best framework.

Django has features that will enable you to build secure and scalable solutions so that you can collect feedback and implement timely updates to satisfy what the users need.

  • Social Media Platforms

Django is the best framework for building social media platforms. Ideally, social media platform requires solutions that can support multiple accounts.

  • Data-Driven Dashboards

Django has reliable Python libraries used in data analysis. This puts Django as an ideal framework for building data-driven dashboards and data analysis tools to provide a user-friendly strategy when collecting data from different sources for processing to a single database.

  • Online news magazines

Django was built to scale content-based web apps, and that is why the Washington Post, one of the biggest global media uses Django in their processes.


Django admin, a resourceful tool from the framework, enables developers to create personalized ERP and CRM systems for processing internal data.

Therefore, with Django, it won’t be necessary to start creating a portal from scratch. You only need to adjust and customize the in-built solutions to meet the client’s needs.

  • API development

When building a feature-rich app to enhance business growth and enhance the performance of the app, Django is the real deal.

Flask vs. Django: detailed comparison

So, what makes Django different from Flask? Below is a detailed comparison in terms of:

  • Community support
  • Security
  • Scalability
  • Performance & speed
  • Database
  • Features
  • Ease of use and learning curve
  • Development time
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Community Support

An active and reliable community is crucial in helping developers acquire valuable insights and guidelines when using a specific framework. Besides, the active communities with professional developers help in answering questions about processes, technologies and best practices for specific frameworks.

Both Django and Flask have their respective community support. However, Django has an extensive support community compared to Flask. Although Flas has a smaller support community, it is still active, and as a developer, you can find some resourceful guidelines and insights where necessary.

  • Security

Flask has limited in-built security features. However, it has extensions that allow a developer to add security features and processes. Again, Flask has limited coding requirements compared to Django, making it less vulnerable to different forms of threats. Again, the fact that an app built with Flask relies on third-party extensions for security poses some security threats, especially with the weak plugins. Therefore, the Flask teams must be at the forefront of checking and updating security measures every now and then by evaluating the viability of third-party extensions.

Django, on the other hand, has a large codebase, which makes it vulnerable to different forms of threats. However, Django has a set of security tools and protocols that safeguard an app from different forms of threats. These tools enable developers to perform and scrutinize security measures, ensuring they release secure products to the market.

  • Scalability

Flas has the power to process large requests, making it highly scalable. Developers can easily break the components into chunks and work on individual components as they allow the code base to grow.

Django, on the other hand, offers developers with scalability options. It is easy to develop and scale an app at any level. This makes scalability in Django seamless, thus enhancing the loading and overall performance of an app.

So, when you want to develop a highly scalable app, Django is the ideal framework to choose.

  • Performance and Speed

Flask allows easy and future modification of a project. Its lightweight, flexible, and simple nature enables developers to produce simple and high-performing apps.

Django, on the other hand, is ideal for creating rapid projects. When using Django, the processes from idea generation to project completion are smooth compared to Flask.

While both frameworks perform incredibly, Flask outweighs Django in terms of performance and speed. Developers only need a few requirements to complete a project high-performing app when they use Flask compared to when they use Django.

  • Database

Django has a powerful but simple ORM that is compatible with several databases, including Oracle, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. With Django’s ORM, it becomes easy to generate and manage all database migrations using best practices.

Flask, on the other hand, has a wide range of extensions and libraries that define how data is stored.

There is no limitation in Flask compared to Django on matters of data storage.

  • Features

Django comes with a set of in-built features and some extensions. Flask, on the other hand, relies heavily on extensions to process some functionalities. Ideally, you will need extensions when executing most processes, be it security matters, database integration, or any other process when using Flask.

While Flask has more features more features for extensive functionalities unlike Django, it is always a viable idea to have the features in-built. That is why Django overpowers Flask because it has most features built-in for seamless and secure processes.

  • Ease of Use/Learning

Django is a complex framework with complex functionalities that require extensive knowledge and some experience using the framework.

Flask, on the other hand, is beginner-friendly, meaning as long as you have Python skills, you can easily learn and master Flask seamlessly.

Again, Flask has detailed documentation that guides developers in simple explanations both experienced and beginners.

Django, too, has a detailed documentation. However, it covers complex explanations and processes because it is a full-stack framework.

Therefore, you can begin with Flask and understand the basics as you advance to Django.

  • Development Time

Both Django and Flask help developers accelerate the development process. However, Django is more effective than Flask.

First of all, Flask adopts the idea of developing everything from scratch, thus extending the whole development time. Although Flask allows developers to use the Jinja2 template engine, it takes more time to actualize the steps despite the template simplifying the process.

Django, on the other hand, advocates for rapid development, making it ideal for projects with tight deadlines. Django’s in-built features and low code requirements accelerate the development time significantly.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

Both Django and Flask are pen-source frameworks, meaning they are free. However, Flask is a bit expensive compared to Django. Flask has fewer in-built features and hence requires extra costs to upgrade security and development processes.

Still, the overall costs of using either Flask or Django will be determined by the nature of the projects, its requirements, and features, among other factors. Nonetheless, Django is the best framework when you need a framework that offers in-built functionalities.

Django vs. Flask: which one is the best?

Both Django and Flask are powerful open-source frameworks in their own unique ways.

While Django works best for large and complex projects that require rapid development, Flask is a simpler framework offering basic functionalities that help scale an app.

Besides, both Flask and Django are effective in building web apps. To determine the ideal framework, analyze your project’s requirements, demands, size, and skills & experience. With this, you will know if your project is best with either Flask or Django.


Web development requires a set of tools, frameworks, and resources to create reliable, scalable, and secure apps. There are different frameworks you can choose from. It all depends on what you are developing and your preference. As a Python developer, use this guide to choose between Flask vs Django for your next project.

Any queries? Contact our Python development company – Aalpha information systems!


Written by:

Stuti Dhruv

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.