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Differences Between Scrum and Kanban

Differences Between Scrum and Kanban

Scrum vs. Kanban discusses two diverse, agile development approaches for software. The practices are diverse, but the principles are the same. To choose the best from the two is to go for the one that fits your business. Scrum, Kanban, and Agile are closely related terms. Agile refers to a single set of principles that build better products as scale and speed. Scrum and Kanban are the ways to manage software development processes.

It’s easy to differentiate between Scrum and Kanban by looking at the surface levels. However, going deeper, things change and become confusing.

Kanban and Scrum are all different practices, yet they use the same principles. Even the product of the two is the same. As per confusion, you can use Scrum and Kanban interchangeably. It’s possible to get teams using Kanban boards for Scrum.

How can you differentiate between Scrum and Kanban and decide which one fits well in your business?

Introduction to Scrum, Agile, and Kanban

Here, you will learn an overview of the three.

It’s a de facto and iterative approach for building and deploying products to allow continuous delivery. The foundation is in creating self-organizing teams that can learn and make quick adjustments at any step to produce software faster.

It’s an agile framework that develops, delivers, and maintains products in complex environments. It permits teams to build incrementally and iteratively products and respond quickly, effectively, and efficiently to changes.

It’s an agile development methodology aiming to create visual process frameworks for faster product building by limiting WIP (work in progress). The methodology aims to swiftly make small independent tasks move to the proceeding steps for faster business value realization.

The difference between Scrum and Kanban

The Scrum vs. Kanban principles

Kanban approaches focus on managing and optimizing workflows. It has six principles that it operates on, which are in two main types.

Kanban principles

They are into two groups: change management and service delivery principles.

Change management principles

Service delivery principles

Scrum principles

The Scrum development approach is based on three strong pillars: adaptation, inspection, and transparency.

Scrum vs. Kanban: frameworks

Kanban framework

Principles, team members, and vital practices have a major role in this framework. The framework has models that identify avenues for improvement. Do you know how to incorporate the Kanban framework in the product development process?

Scrum framework

These are the ways to incorporate the scrum framework in product development.

Scrum vs. Kanban: roles and responsibilities

Kanban roles

The Kanban doesn’t have a specific role. The entire team owns the process, and each member is responsible for working in collaboration. There is an agile coach in the Kanban team, but there isn’t a Kanban master like Scrum. All this ensures the team follows all the set principles.

Certain organizations that use the Kanban approach have two roles: scrum request manager and scrum delivery manager. The two are optional.

Scrum roles

There are three defined roles in Scrum in a team: scrum master, development teams, and product owner.

Scrum vs. Kanban: planning

Kanban planning

Scrum planning

Scrum vs. Kanban: commitment

The Kanban approach delivers timely value and favors the approach. Kanban’s commitment relies on the capacity of the team. Every team member commits to finishing the task started before picking another one.

In Scrum, you can decide commitment by use of sprint forecasting. The team predicts the work amount and commits to beat the deadline. The problem here is that if a team fails to anticipate its capacity accurately, the sprint will fail, or they will strain to get it done.

Scrum vs. Kanban: board

Both scrum and Kanban approaches use visual boards in tracking work progress though there are some differences.

Kanban board

The Kanban board aids in tracking the workflow structure at the same time balancing the activities in progress. Work quantity in progress isn’t important, and it doesn’t include unworthy tasks.

Kanban works like relay races where you hand over at one point, and the team aims to reduce the timeline between all the handovers.

Scrum board

It’s an extension of the product backlog in which a team commits to working. When work gets added into the scrum backlog, teams start to work independently. The scrum board’s goal is to do everything before a sprint ends.

Scrum works like an exam. You need to complete the syllabus (the backlog items) in a specific time frame.

Scrum vs. Kanban: advantages and disadvantages

Kanban advantages

Kanban disadvantages

Scrum advantages

Scrum disadvantages

What’s the best choice between Kanban and Scrum?

None of the two is superior to the other. Choose the one that fits your team to boost productivity and efficiency.

Contact software development company for more information.

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