Your Company may have an Application because it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to have an application for customer’s ease and access. Your Business model may be based around this application as well. So when you have an application that is getting more and more downloads and have positive reviews, then you should think about mobile application localization. This is because having your application available in only one Application Store can result in the loss of millions of potential users and sales.
This can be a surprise for some but Majority of Internet Users are not based in the United States. The Asia/Pacific Region got the highest number of Mobile Subscribers in the World. However, the usage of Mobile devices is increasing from South America to Northern Africa. And if you want to keep your business up to pace, then you should invest in the expansion of it. Let’s take a look at some benefits of Mobile Application Development & Localization:
Global Market Access:
The possibilities are almost limitless when it comes to deciding the countries to localize your Mobile Application. Select those countries that are showing the highest demand for your application because you cannot go for a full international Mobile App localization project at once. Your Industry may be such that you have access to a global market but that doesn’t mean that you should try to access the entire global market without conducting any prior research of the markets.
Let’s take the example of China. It is considered to be Goldmine for applications that get it right. It is the biggest Application market in the world with revenue estimated to reach $42 Billion by 2020. However, there are some problems associated with this market as well. Ideally, you would be tempted to localize your Mobile Application using both IOS store and Google Play Store as this will extend your reach. The problem here is that Google Play Store is not there in China so get ready to deal with over 200 Local Android Application stores. IOS Application localization is also easier and a smoother entry option as IOS Application Store’s rules are same around the world. China is also the Number one iPhone Market for Apple with over 3 Billion Dollars in sales.
So whether China is the right market for your company or not is the responsibility of your strategic team to think. However, no matter where you set your sights on the benefit of access to more user around the globe is always there.
Unlimited Sales Potential:
According to a website VentureBeat, Gaming Application called Pokémon Go made an astonishing 35 Million Dollars in its first two weeks of launch, and this is only from a handful of markets. By investing in a powerful Mobile Application Strategy, Nintendo was able to boost unlimited global sales. Preliminary study and actions were there like studying every new market and making sure that all icons, texts, numbers, images are meticulously localized for the target audience.
You may not be as huge as Nintendo, also you may not be in Gaming Industry but that does not mean that you can’t go for global sales opportunities through Mobile Application Localization. Businesses in Italy love Project Management Softwares, Polish people on the other hand like to be just as fit as the Americans. So whatever your Application or Product is, you should search for its market overseas as well.
Competitive Advantage:
The Application Market is a highly competitive place. Getting the users to download your application to their devices is only the first step. The real thing here is to make them keep your application. If your Application is not up to user expectations, then it won’t last long. A whopping 90 percent of Users delete Applications immediately after install and only 16 percent of these give the Application a second chance. So this means that investing in a mobile application localization that creates an optimum experience for the User will give you a competitive edge like no other.
So what you would like to know now, is how to optimize your application for local application stores. When it comes to Google Play, Your Application Description gets scanned, so the key here is to know the key terms used by customers to search the target market. On the other hand with regard to IOS, you should keep your keywords in titles and application name. Also even if you are not willing to translate your application in different languages even then you should get a hold of local systems of currency, measurement, and local colloquialisms like for example, Irish people don’t go on a vacation, they go for a holiday.
Increased Visibility:
Your Application may be highly popular in the USA, but that does not imply that it will not require any adjustments for the markets of other English-Speaking Countries. Hence your ASO Strategy should be factored in from the very start no matter which country you are targeting. Localizing your application’s content like images, tutorials and description can provide you better visibility in the Google Play Store and IOS App Store. Your Application should have the right amount of keywords without getting overly stuffed.
A powerful ASO Strategy will get you more downloads as your application will appear to more people. No matter what your budget is but there are some essentials of Mobile Application Localization to get you in front of the right people. Moreover, if you aim for good reviews in order to boost your ratings then Meticulous Application Localization is essential so that your application doesn’t get trashed.
Guaranteed Return on Investment (ROI):
Mobile Application Localization Investment will yield Positive ROI. Localization Process can seem to be costly at first, especially when you have to work with professional translators native to the target market country. But for guaranteed ROI you have to localize your application well enough. Also, once you have started the localization strategy for different countries, then things would be easier each time you enter a new country. You will still have to face new languages, different laws, and user behavior but you would have built up a knowledge base and an efficient process for tackling these challenges.
Obviously, ROI is not an exact thing or figure and it will be different for different companies. But according to research by Distmo, localized applications get more downloads, and this is a staggering 128% increase, not just a few more downloads. So if you are looking to localize your mobile application, now is the time to Act.
Aalpha is leader in web & mobile application localization, we have team of experts with multiple language speaking cabalibity, we have over 50+ experts on web & mobile programming, if you are looking to hire developers then connect with Aalpha web app development company India.