The technology is progressing at a very fast pace and the availability of internet to each person has led to an era of web based applications. The vast availability of mobile and web-based applications makes encourages competition among the web and apps developers. The most important factor which must be considered while building an app or designing a website is UX. UX stands for user experience and the UX principals which must be followed in order to develop user friendly apps and websites are listed below:
Content Prioritization
It is a known fact that the span of human attention is just 8 seconds. In order to grab your user’s attention during the starting few seconds the interface elements must be kept minimized and all the focus must be on the content. Users prefer designs which are simple and easy to grab.
In case of mobile applications the users are looking at you app at a small screen and if you overload it with a lot of elements it will deviate user’s focus from the content and clutter the information as well.
So in both web and mobile applications the content must be priorities in such a a manner that the notifications or new content appears without disrupting the main content and user stays engaged.
Intuitive Navigation
Users must be able to easily navigate through your apps or website’s menu items in order to have an enriched user experience. If the navigation is complex or takes too much time, it will result in frustrating the users and they won’t stay long in your web page. The flow must be such that the user does not require switching between pages or apps in order to get a task done. Also the users must be well-aware of where they are in the mobile app and how did they navigate to the current page so that they do not get confused or lost.
Consideration of Touch Screen target sizes
While building apps you must consider that people use their thumbs, fingers, etc in order to operate their devices and the interface elements must be big enough to sense these user actions. The spacing between interactive elements is also very important, if the action buttons are too close it can result in undesirable actions and unexpected results.
User Control
Users must be able to customize or personalize the mobile applications or websites they are visiting so that they feel in control and their user experience is enhanced.
Text Legibility
The purpose of putting up content on your site or app is that users must be able to read it clearly. In order to ensure that, the text must be easily readable and the layout must be clear and simple.
Visibility of interface elements
All the interface elements on your screen must be clearly visible in all types of lights and environments. The contrast between the background and foreground color must also be such that the interface is easily visible.
Hand position controls
While designing your app’s or website’s layout the hand positions must be kept in mind so that users are comfortable using these applications.
Are you looking to develop next gen software products with impeccable UX Design & Accessibility? then let Aalpha assist you, you can also hire developers full time.