
How to Use WordPress as a Headless CMS with React

WordPress dominates the market for web apps and headless CMS (CMS). This platform rivals JavaScript’s front-end interface in terms of versatility and capability.

The WordPress REST API is a powerful tool that allows developers to create custom plugins and themes. They may also add third-party applications to the WordPress CMS to enhance its usefulness.

To avoid the increasing workload of managing content in contemporary CMSs, developers have explored merging WordPress with React to create a headless CMS.

The content management system (CMS) is the next big thing in web design. Matt Mullenweg, the inventor of WordPress, has shown endorsement for this concept as well

WordPress as a Headless Content Management System

It is a situation where you use WordPress to power the backend of your online application while building the front end with another technology.

Backend and front-end may be handled independently. Therefore, you may create content, pages, and posts inside WordPress. But you don’t use it for front-end visualization.

Headless WordPress is a server-side application replacement. The application interface is created and maintained in the client browser, not the server. It uses JavaScript to extract material from WordPress and create this interface. Additionally, this is referred to as client-side or decoupled development

This extends WordPress’ front-end PHP interface. An external app manages the body, the actual CMS. The API handles communication between the web application and the server-side content management system.

Check: WordPress development in India

The Advantages of a Headless WordPress Installation

  • WordPress is a free and open-source platform that enables the creation of almost any kind of website. Using this as a headless CMS offers several advantages. Among them are the following:
  • It enables you to produce content that is not platform-specific.
  • Enhances the performance of your website
  • Assists in separating the front-end and backend to provide more flexibility in content management and publishing
  • Works with React in the same way that any other backend API works with
  • It simplifies data retrieval since you know precisely where to

Several critical characteristics of WordPress as a Headless CMS include the following:

  • Publishing material via many channels:

It enables you to publish content across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. In this manner, you may improve your website’s accessibility and guarantee that it reaches a younger audience.

  • Redesigns that are lighter and simpler:

By utilizing WordPress as a headless CMS, the site is lighter and easier to operate. You may modify its components in a familiar environment without affecting the website’s front-end look and experience.

  • Lightning-fast performance:

Together with new integrated technologies, WordPress’s trustworthiness results in flash speed and website production dependability.

  • Improved scalability:

Your site’s bandwidth and adaptability should allow it to adapt to changes in size, functionality, and scale. A headless CMS guarantees that it develops in lockstep with changing requirements and upgrades.

  • Increased security:

Data security, a critical component of any online business, is addressed by a headless CMS. You may maintain a higher level of security in this situation since the API used to deliver information is often read-only.

  • Enhanced control:

Incorporating other front-end technologies, such as a headless CMS, provides you greater control over the installation procedure. This stands true for your application’s front-end as well as back-end components.

  • The technology stack that is future-proof:

You may utilize newer technologies that your customers approve of because a specific technology stack does not bind you. A headless CMS is more adaptive and future-proof since it is flexible and API-driven.

How to Configure WordPress for React

The front-end is a React component.

React is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for front-end development, developed and maintained by Facebook and the developer community. This robust, fast, and dynamic single-page application library is best used in robust, fast, and dynamic single-page apps.

Once your WordPress installation is complete, developing applications using React is simple. One must install the following application.

  • A text editor, such as Visual Studio Code or something similar
  • NodeJS with Node Package Manager
  • Version control using Git
  • After configuring the environment, follow these steps to create a web application using React.
  • To create a project, open the command line and execute the
  • Then, install the Axios package for API calls and open the resulting folder in a text editor.

You may now build a web application by starting it with the appropriate command. Create a WordPress backend using React (editor Gutenberg). WordPress has always been an inclusive platform, enabling non-coders (such bloggers, marketers, and salespeople) to create themes, plugins, and websites. This is no longer the case and expecting everyone to understand React to create a Gutenberg block is unrealistic. React makes the most sense, if only because Gutenberg is written in it. This penalty is only justifiable if it enhances the user experience.


There are many instructions available on how to configure a website using headless WordPress and React adequately. However, if you find the procedures difficult, it is recommended that you contact a professional to complete the setup. After you’ve launched your headless CMS, you may modify it to your heart’s delight.

Planning to develop a WordPress website using react? fill our contact form & get a free quotation today!

Also check: Traditional CMS vs Headless CMS | What is Headless eCommerce

Written by:

Muzammil K

Muzammil K is the Marketing Manager at Aalpha Information Systems, where he leads marketing efforts to drive business growth. With a passion for marketing strategy and a commitment to results, he's dedicated to helping the company succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Muzammil K is the Marketing Manager at Aalpha Information Systems, where he leads marketing efforts to drive business growth. With a passion for marketing strategy and a commitment to results, he's dedicated to helping the company succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.