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Top EdTech Trends in 2025

Top EdTech Trends

The main educational technology developments have been data analysis, machine training, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Online education, though, has been the only pattern regulating all of them. Students must now get used to distance learning across digital channels because of social distancing. EdTech’s new developments are being reshaped, focusing on networking, flexibility, and learning focused on students.

According to the reports, the global EdTech and smart classroom market size are expected to reach USD 181,265 Mn by 2025.

EdTech and its significance

Most people can understand how EdTech promotes education technologies. That is right, but not enough. EdTech is characterized as designing, using, and maintaining suitable technical processes and tools to promote learning digitally and increase efficiency. However, the terminology is much evident for educators using EdTech. According to them, it is a term used for attaining knowledge via digital medium rather than conventional books. The key difference for them is the process in which knowledge is attained.

In simple terms, EdTech is essentially the way technology can be incorporated into education to create improved teaching/learning environments that yield better learning results.

EdTech trends in 2025

The highest trend in learning technology in the past year was social distance education due to the fast spread of COVID-19 and the shutting down of educational institutes. The market for online training platforms has risen therewith. electronic Learning is knowledge shared digitally. It can also be an online presentation or an online course that lets staff or students learn the required skills.

Educational material is provided to students through computers, notebooks, tablets, or smart devices with E-learning. Not only saves time but also opens more doors to immersive schooling. Instead of being submissive, students should decide fast and easily what to learn, wherever they are. You can also learn by directly engaging with on-screen data, e.g., moving content from place to place. In comparison, E-learning’s decision-making scenarios often enable students to make decisions about what to study next.

In E-learning students only retain information by reading or watching content, it modifies the delivery of education. Also, several courses in E-learning platform include cinematics, podcasts, and visuals providing an integrative and realistic experience.

Check: eLearning software solutions

Blockchain’s distributed ledger technology provides schooling, in particular data storage, with many advantages. It adds a further “block” to the device any time additional data is introduced, so the storage is theoretically infinite. The data would be decentralized and transmitted concurrently on different device computers.

In mass accessible online classes and online portfolios, Blockchain technology is used to review information and skills. For electronic learning organizations, DLT solutions address authentication, size, and expense issues. Moreover, at the job quest stage, it will help student candidates to publicize their achievements.

Check: blockchain development services

Video-based learning has become widely popular in educational displays in recent years. Every day a video-based learning opportunity is created by the internet and digital devices.

This development is also expanding in the conditions of social distance learning where students study on computer screens. Videos are of great benefit to improve lessons and make content understandable, particularly animated videos. It increases the results of students and decreases the workload for instructors.

AI in the EdTech industry is now the big thing. It has been projected that AI will become the biggest theme by 2025 and rise by over 50%. AI will automate basic school tasks such as grading tests. Teachers will also simplify the evaluation of multiple options and full blank questions. Thus, automatic scoring will not be far behind the students’ writing.

Besides, AI can support both students and educators. For instance, if educators are too busy to notice everyone, students can receive support from AI tutors. AI-led projects will also offer useful guidance to both learners and educators. This is why some schools use AI programs to track the success of students and to alert teachers about potential issues with the performances of the students.  AI can prove to be a good teaching assistant.

For higher education, the current area of learning analytics has grown significantly. Analytical learning helps educators to calculate and monitor the learning of students on the Internet. From this, learning can be better handled and strengthened.

By reading lessons from the learning processes of students, teachers will develop their students’ awareness and skills accordingly For eg, professors will see the knowledge students like the most and use it more in subsequent lessons. Teachers will also note the information has not been successfully supplied and improved the next time. Furthermore, students who have academic or behavioral complications are assisted by teaching analytics.


Since virtual reality and augmented reality came to school, the learning environment has improved immensely. The increased need for professional development drives learning with VR and AR ahead.

Learning is far more immersive than conventional approaches. If VR gives a built-up picture, AR provides a better picture. They hence help to clarify abstract ideas that students could not demonstrate either simple pictures or even realistic experiments in a laboratory. E.g., if you attend a health training program, VR is greatly beneficial. VR provides students with comprehensive experience in a low-risk setting with real-world surgery.

Check: augmented reality solutions


To sum up, these top EdTech trends, as we are addressing developments in education technologies, we know that there is a lot to process. Nevertheless, consider that technology has reached education and has revived the entire method of teaching and learning. Electronic learning in particular is an instructional platform that not only enhances educational usability and comfort but also affects learning habits and learner expectations.

If you are planning to build an EdTech platform then feel free to contact us today.

Also check: educational app development cost

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