steps of logo design process

The Logo Design Process You Should Know

If you are looking at the process of logo design, then you are at the right place. you can overview this article to know the professional method of logo design. For the improvement of the logo designing process, we will share some steps.

Logo design process steps

  • Discover

Discovery is related to knowing about the client’s history, business, industry, audience, and competitors.

  • Research

Research is regarding conducting visual research, analyzing the industry, and drawing conclusions. Researching the industry helps you to know more about the sense of environment in which the logo going to live.

  • Brainstorm

Brainstorming would drive thinking in the right direction which will help in the creativity of logo design.

  • Sketch

The purpose of sketching is to provide a link between a plan and designing a form. To sketch by hand on paper some professionals use a pen. While most designers sketch directly on their computers with logo maker tool or logo maker app and some use sketchbooks. While most designers sketch directly on their computers with logo maker tool or logo maker app and some use sketchbooks. Additionally, many designers are turning to AI logo maker tools for efficient and innovative logo creation.

  • Design

It is concerned with the reliability of each concept and the conversion of your drawing into digital form.

  • Present

Relevant applications provide the client with the three best brand identity ideas.

  • Supply

The delivery package explains the method of logo use. This package must include source files and a style guide.

Rules of Logo Design

The connection between form and concept

  • To the customer and industry, the logo must be related to form and idea.
  • For the fashion brand the logo needs to be elegant
  • The logo is required to be distinct and dynamic for the sports brand.

Focused on a unique narrative

  • The logo must be workable and flexible, so it needs to be simple. It has to be centered on a distinctive story.

It should be unique

  • Logo must be simple and original so it can be easily remembered.

Logo design process guide

logo design process

A well-made logo is a commercial benefit that catches customers’ attention and immediately communicates the fundamental principles of a brand in an era where more employment and products are participating for market awareness. An effective logo is also a general icon; it acts for the values of employees and assists its brand.

Successful logos follow the five rules of the S.M.A.R.T system

  • Uncomplicated: To comprehend and identify make it simple.
  • Unforgettable: The best logo must be distinctive and memorable.
  • Timeless: Quality logos hold out changing trends and are ageless.
  • Reliable: Flexibility and scale of a logo across many platforms, media, and sizes are essential.
  • Reflective: Every component of a logo must be considered and refined as it symbolizes the worth and use of a brand.

Keys to understanding a design process

The first step of the logo creation process involves reviewing and understanding the design brief. This is a comparatively easy task, but it’s very important. A poor understanding of the brief will lead to a variety of issues throughout the project.

What is meant by a design brief? It is a document that helps to explain a logo. In short, the brief will be covered the following.

  • Objectives:Does the project have clear-cut aims that it should obtain in order to be successful?
  • Achievements:What goods or services are supposed to be after the project’s completion?
  • Schedule:The work ought to be finished within a deadline. Is there any timeline or expectation regarding the project?
  • Shareholder: Who takes part in the decision-making of the project?
  • Target Clients:Which groups of people should the logo represent?
  • Business file or Product:What benefits product or company provide the people? What are its services?
  • Declaration of Brand positioning:what is the basic purpose of the brand’s promise to clients and how does it compare itself with the opposition?
  • Payment and Budget System: How will payments be done?Β  For the project, is there any budget?

Scheme of color for logo

In logo creation, the use of color is a vast and extremely important topic. It touches on different topics from color theory to the human psyche. In light of this, it is preferable to give them straightforward yet harmonious pleasing color schemes that offer strong contrast. It’s important to keep this in mind while coming up with color schemes because logos must eventually need to leave the warm confines of Illustrator and Sketch, where white space never ends, and work in the real world.

Final Thought

The process of designing a logo demands a collection of strategic thought, design excellence, and thorough research. With different types of applications in mind, the Logos of the latest brands need to be designed. For instance, it is necessary to work as a little icon on a mobile app for an airline logo. It still looks fantastic, especially on a large scale on a plane’s tail.

To know more connect with our web design company– Aalpha information systems!

Also read: UX design process steps

Written by:

Muzammil K

Muzammil K is the Marketing Manager at Aalpha Information Systems, where he leads marketing efforts to drive business growth. With a passion for marketing strategy and a commitment to results, he's dedicated to helping the company succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.

Muzammil K is the Marketing Manager at Aalpha Information Systems, where he leads marketing efforts to drive business growth. With a passion for marketing strategy and a commitment to results, he's dedicated to helping the company succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.