outsourcing nodejs development

Outsourcing Nodejs Development

When it comes to web development, speed, data security, efficiency, performance, and flexibility are some of the core concepts every developer must figure out. As a business person, on the other hand, you want to do your best for your company’s growth, too. The tight deadlines, working with experts, and managing to pull through the project successfully with a limited budget are all you can wish for.

All these calls for a proper strategy and selection of effective tools and resources, and this is where Nodejs development outsourcing comes in. Outsourcing Nodejs development will help you beat deadlines, save on costs, enjoy maximum flexibility, and focus on other core business functionalities, among many other reasons why you should outsource Nodejs development.

However, it can be challenging to outsource the right Nodejs development services, especially if you aren’t well-versed with the processes and technologies involved. With this simplified guide, you will learn and master the process of seamlessly outsourcing Nodejs development services. Keep reading for more valuable insights.

What is Nodejs? Quick Overview

Nodejs is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript server environment. It can run seamlessly on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix operating systems, among others, for free.

Core features of Nodejs

Some of the core features defining Nodejs include the following:

  • Cross-platform compatibility

Nodejs works with diverse operating systems, including MacOS, Linux, Unix, Windows, and other mobile devices. This gives the developers the flexibility to pair Nodejs with any required package.

  • Uses JavaScript

Nodejs runs in a JavaScript environment. Therefore, it is key for developers to understand and master JavaScript well in order to use Nodejs seamlessly.

  • Single Threaded Architecture

Nodejs uses the single-threaded architecture, which enhances its scalability since it enables Nodejs to process huge requests compared to other servers. Ideally, through the event-driven mechanism, Nodejs servers respond in an asynchronous or non-locking manner, thus making it highly scalable. This is contrary to other servers, where only limited servers are created for processing requests. So, in a nutshell, single-threaded architecture in Nodejs enables the smooth processing of huge requests.

  • Asynchronous in Nature and Event-driven

All Nodejs APIs are non-blocking in nature. This means that all Nodejs servers don’t wait for data from the API, thus moving directly to another API. So, all Nodejs API simply follows an event-driven mechanism that involves tracking and responding to previous API requests.

  • Open Source

Since Nodejs is open-source, the source code is available to the public for free. This creates smooth, innovative, collaborative, and community-driven development processes. Any developer or any other expert can participate in making Nodejs better, and this enhances its popularity and adoption among industries.

  • Rich Ecosystem and NPM

The NPM – Node Package manager offers the Nodejs rich and reliable libraries and modules. This makes it easy for developers to find solutions to any issues that arise during the development period, thus speeding up the development process while giving the team a smooth working environment.

  • Real-Time Communication

Nodejs is known for its real-time communication feature. This makes it the ideal choice for apps that need live updates. WebSocket, for instance, is a technology that enhances two-way communication between clients & the server.

  • Scalable

Nodejs is highly scalable. The Nodejs single-threaded architecture makes it easy to process or handle many requests as needed. Again, the cluster module makes it easy to manage load balancing for all CPUs.

  • Performance

Nodejs embraces high performance with greater scalability. Its event-driven and non-blocking nature makes it easy to handle many requests without technical failures. Therefore, when building apps, especially those real-time apps or streaming services that require low latency and responsiveness, Nodejs is the ideal solution.

  • No Buffering

As mentioned before, Nodejs are non-blocking in nature. They don’t wait for a specific task to complete before moving to the next one. Since there is a large data process whenever available, there is no buffering.

In the end, Nodejs processes larger data volumes while responding to requests quickly, thus making the development process for real-time communication and streaming data seamless.

Quick Benefits of Using Nodejs

So why would a company opt for Nodejs development? Below are some quick advantages of using Nodejs in project development:

  • Better scalability–The modern business world requires highly scalable and flexible solutions and technologies to enhance business growth. Nodejs makes a perfect tech solution for a project that requires many requests and real-time communication, thanks to its event-driven architecture feature.
  • Improved speed and performance – Nodejs is known for its excellent performance. Its V8 engine and the non-blocking nature enhance efficiency and speed during project development.
  • Versatility –Nodejs gives developers ultimate flexibility. It can be used for backend as well as frontend development. This makes it an ideal choice for apps whose JavaScript runs in both the frontend and backend of an app (isomorphic apps).
  • Solid community support – Nodejs is an open-source technology with a wide & active community that offers extensive support and continuous improvement. This simplifies the work, especially for beginner developers.

Nodejs use cases

So, when should one use Nodejs technology? With the incredible features of Nodejs described above, developers can use Nodejs technology to develop the following:

  • Single Page Applications

Single-page applications – SPAs require a system that can process huge requests in a seamless manner. SPAs are common in modern business development processes, where a whole app fits well on one page to give the best desktop-like experience to users.

The asynchronous nature of Nodejs makes it easy to build SPAs. Therefore, when developing mail solutions, text or drawing tools, and social networking sites, Nodejs will give you a smooth working environment.

Twitter and Gmail are common examples of SPAs using Nodejs.

  • Microservice Architecture

When using microservice architecture for your business logic, the Nodejs technology is the real deal.

Microservice architecture involves building an app through small independent services that play vital roles in business logic. Nodejs is the perfect solution here, thanks to its efficiency and speed. Developers can develop microservers that are easy to maintain, lightweight, stable, and efficient with Nodejs, which enables companies to improve their overall performance.

Netflix, Facebook, and Amazon are common examples of websites that are using Nodejs.


API can be complex because of Simple Object Access Protocol – SOAP. While SOAP can transfer data seamlessly, API remains a complex process throughout. However, Nodejs helps developers build REST API, which simplifies and speeds up the process of API integration.

REST helps build software architectures and execute HTTP protocols.

NASA organization is a typical example of a REST API application.

  • Chatbots

Modern businesses are adopting modern ways of enhancing customer service. While customer service calls can be expensive, it becomes easy for businesses to embrace the innovation of chatbots.

Therefore, Nodejs simplifies the process by enabling a developer to create reliable chatbots within a limited budget.

Nodejs has features that make it easy to create interfaces that require timely response of messages (real-time) communication. Drift is a perfect example of a Chatbot application with Nodejs.

  • Real-Time Data Apps

Real-time data applications require higher scalability for real-time data. If an app runs throughout, it requires a technology that can seamlessly scale and size data streaming in real-time, and this is where Nodejs come in.

Developers can, therefore, use Nodejs to build real-time web apps through push technology over web sockets. What’s more, Nodejs enables sharing and reusing. Above all, it makes a perfect choice for server-side apps.

Google Docs is a typical example of a real-time data app that uses Nodejs technology.

  • Data Streaming Apps

Data streaming apps require heavy processing, which can be complex to some extent. Again, data streaming applications need data to be streamed across different devices without any form of interruptions, and this is where Nodejs comes in, thanks to its flexibility and efficiency. Besides, Nodejs doesn’t keep temporary data (caching) because the connection remains open. Above all, Nodejs has an interface that makes it possible to read process readable and writable streams, thus making it ideal for data streaming apps. Netflix is a typical example of a data streaming app that uses Nodejs technology.

Outsourcing Nodejs development services

Outsourcing Nodejs

Outsourcing Nodejs development services is all about contracting a third-party service provider to handle specific projects that require Nodejs expertise. In fact, if your in-house team lacks adequate skills and knowledge to use Nodejs technologies to build scalable, high-performing apps faster, outsourcing is the real deal, as it will enable your business to gain a competitive advantage.

Why Outsource Nodejs Development? Top benefits of Nodejs development outsourcing

Outsourcing Nodejs has advantages for a company when compared to in-house hiring. In fact, when you have an urgent project with tight deadlines, finding a perfect expert to fill the position can be complex. You can solve such a dilemma by outsourcing Nodejs development and save on costs and other expenses while enjoying the flexibility that comes with outsourcing.

  • Access an extensive talent pool of experts

Finding and onboarding a Nodejs expert can be challenging, especially in a competitive environment. It can be complex to get a perfect fit in your company. In the end, you might spend a lot of time and other resources, which in turn affect your business in many ways.

To overcome such a challenge, you can opt to outsource Nodejs development services. A company like Aalpha Information Systems has all the skills and expertise with adequate Nodejs skills and experience, and it is ready to handle your project to the next level and scale up your business.

Above all, Nodejs development service providers have rich industry knowledge, which will give you useful insights and guidelines that will even make the project turn out successfully within the required timeline.

  • Faster time to market

Especially when your business is in a competitive niche, you need a strategy that will guarantee fast time to market. Introducing the product to end users early enough will attract more consumers, hence enhancing its success.

With Nodejs development outsourcing, you can be sure of the timely delivery of high-quality services since the outsourced service providers are experienced, knowledgeable, and expert in what they do. They also have the skills to leverage trending technologies and practices to deliver their work seamlessly.

  • Cost-effective solution

You will save more money when you outsource Nodejs development services than when hiring an in-house team. Once you onboard a Nodejs development company, you don’t have to incur costs on software, tools & resources, monthly salaries, and infrastructure-related expenses. Depending on the outsourcing model you choose, you will end up spending costs only on work done.

Above all, once you outsource Nodejs service providers, you use your time to focus on other core business functionalities since the outsourced team focuses majorly on projects, ensuring seamless project coordination for successful project completion.

  • Better quality

Nodejs development outsourcing service providers have reliable development tools, testing processes, and resource maintenance protocols or processes, which may be lacking with an in-house team. Accessing these dedicated resources and effective project management guidelines ensures the delivery of high-quality products in the end.

  • Risks mitigation

With Nodejs development outsourcing, data security is a key element. After all, you need to protect the confidential details of the business. Outsourcing agencies have streamlined processes and measures that ensure maximum security. Again, Nodejs outsourcing companies strive to build and maintain their reputation. Therefore, they cannot compromise with a client’s confidential business details in any way. Again, by signing an NDA, the Nodejs service providers will ensure data protection and security measures are well adhered to.

  • Better efficiency and productivity

With Nodejs outsourcing services, you don’t need to stress about recruiting processes, managing an in-house team, and related tasks. Instead, you leave all the project processes to the outsourced team to handle everything from the start to the end.

You will then have adequate time to focus on your priority business tasks that will enhance your business expansion. In the end, you will achieve your vision and objective in a seamless manner while meeting the competitive market.

When to outsource Nodejs development services

What if you are stuck with your project? To some extent, you might not understand when you need to outsource Nodejs development services. Below are some indications that you need to outsource Nodejs development services.

  • When building an SPA – Single Page App

Once you have decided to create a SPA for your business, consider outsourcing Nodejs development services for efficient and smooth development processes.

  • Lack in-house talent

What if you have several pending projects that need urgent attention? Or what if you have a project that requires Nodejs expertise, yet your in-house team isn’t skilled in this sector? Well, this is a clear indication that you need to outsource Nodejs development services to keep your business running smoothly.

  • Lack or inadequate resources

What if you need to complete a given project but have limited resources? For instance, you don’t have training resources for an in-house team, or you don’t have Nodejs resources required to complete a project. In this case, you don’t leave everything to crumble. Instead, outsource Nodejs development services and have your project completed in a timely manner without affecting the quality.

  • When developing real-time apps

Real-time applications require strategies that can handle huge requests without crushing, without affecting user experience, and without interrupting other processes. In this case, outsourcing Nodejs development services is the best way to achieve your business goals.

  • When working with tight deadlines

Sometimes, your in-house team can have the skills and knowledge required in Nodejs development. However, the tight deadlines and number of in-house members make it hard to complete the pending project or projects in a timely manner. In such a scenario, outsourcing Nodejs development services will speed up the development process while maintaining high-quality standards.

How to outsource Nodejs development: step by step

Outsourcing Nodejs development services can be a complex process, especially if you lack related tech skills or have experience handling similar processes. However, we have simplified the processes you can follow to ensure your Nodejs outsourcing process turns out successful and that you contract the best service provider. Check the steps to follow below:

  • Define your project objectives and budget

Before any other step, you must know what your project needs. Start by highlighting the core problems and how you intend to solve them via Nodejs development services. Ideally, this step is the basis of your entire project. It will act asa guide, showing all other teams meet the vision you want to achieve in the end, thus ensuring everyone works towards the common goal.

So, create an action plan and highlight the scope of your project, the timelines, and the budget you have. These details will act as a roadmap when planning how all the processes will be completed without affecting your budget limits and delivery timelines.

Don’t forget both the short-term and long-term objectives of your business when creating an action plan.

  • Create a list of requirements

From your project objectives, you can now derive a list of project requirements and needs that will enable the team to complete the task successfully. Include all project requirements, from design to user experience, to ensure no conflicts arise between your Nodejs outsourced vendor and your business when the project is already on.

A detailed and well-elaborated list of requirements will make the project run smoothly, giving the development team adequate time to complete the work.

Don’t forget to highlight what you expect or the results you hope to attain at the end of the collaboration with your outsourced service provider.

  • Start extensive research

With project objectives, budget, and requirements, you can now start searching for a reliable Nodejs development partner to outsource your project. There are many competitive options available. Therefore, take time to evaluate the dynamics of your project and select a Nodejs development partner who aligns with your project requirements.

Evaluate the service provider’s reputation, experience, and expertise in a specific field. All these should align with your project needs. Also, choose a partner within a location you are comfortable with, especially for seamless communication and project management methods.

Finalize this step by conducting interviews and selecting a Nodejs development partner who understands your business objectives and vision.

  • Communicate with the provider

At this point, you already have your Nodejs development service provider. Now, you need to establish communication processes and protocols to ensure you are all on the same page. Effective communication is what will create a smooth working environment among the teams involved.

You can choose diverse communication channels as long as they offer flexibility between the outsourced partner and your business operations. Email, Zoom, Skype, or Slack are some of the communication methods you may opt to use. The goal is to settle with a platform that will guarantee timely updates and seamless communication, especially when resolving arising issues.

Pro tip: You can put KIPs – Key performance indicators- in place at this stage to help the development team work towards achieving a common goal. KIPs are simply measures used to monitor the project’s progress and measure the success of the project.

  • Sign the contract

Finally, you have all the processes in place, and you have a reliable Nodejs development partner for outsourcing.

With everything in place, you need a binding contract that protects both sides before the work begins. With the contract ready and signed by both parties, the project can now begin.

Factors to consider before outsourcing Nodejs development services

Before you outsource Nodejs development services, make sure you factor in the following considerations:

  • The average price for services

You need to understand the market price and costs related to Nodejs development outsourcing. This will ensure you get value for your money. One thing to note here is that low costs don’t always equal better quality. Again, extreme prices don’t guarantee better quality, too. Therefore, do an analysis, explore market price ranges, and choose a Nodejs development service provider who won’t manipulate you cost-wise while maintaining high-quality service delivery.

  • Popular regions for outsourcing

You can outsource Nodejs development services from India, Eastern Europe, Southern America, or Asia. These regions have skilled and experienced talent in Nodejs development. However, the costs vary from region to region, and this is influenced by the living standards of a particular region.

For instance, outsourcing Nodejs development services from India is less costly than outsourcing the same services from the USA.

Simply consider elements like time zone differences and cultural differences when choosing a Nodejs development partner from a region you are comfortable with.

  • Project development process

Make sure you learn and understand the diverse development process. This will help you choose a Nodejs development company that follows the processes that align with your preferences. For instance, Agile and Scrum are some of the modern development methods that modern companies follow. Make sure your outsourced partner is well-versed with these updated project development methods.

  • Project management processes

Finally, before you choose a Nodejs development partner for outsourcing, make sure they follow and embrace modern project management tools and communication processes. This will ensure a smooth collaboration, which guarantees a timely delivery of a successful project.

What is the cost of outsourcing Nodejs development?

The cost of Nodejs outsourcing development services varies depending on the project complexity, region of the developers, experience levels, project timelines/ deadlines, type of outsourced partner (dedicated company or freelancers), and industry trends, among many other factors.

Therefore, the cost of outsourcing can range anywhere between $50 – $150 per hour or even more, depending on the factors highlighted above.


Many companies are now opting to outsource Nodejs development services thanks to the wide range of benefits, including better business scalability, security, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and competitive advantage, among many other benefits.

While there are a set of notable challenges when it comes to outsourcing Nodejs development services, such as data security and quality guarantee, among others, following the right procedures and processes will enable a smooth outsourcing process. Above all, choose a Nodejs service provider whose vision aligns with your company’s goals.

Want to outsource Nodejs development? Get in touch with our web development company : Aalpha information systems!


Written by:

Stuti Dhruv

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.