Health and Wellness Website Design

Health and Wellness Website Design : Step-by-Step Process

A website design is a selling point of the website and business as a whole. It determines the overall user experience and engagement with the website. With many businesses transforming their operations via websites, the health and wellness industry, too, is scaling higher with the innovation of websites and applications.

As an entrepreneur specializing in the health and wellness business, creating a captivating and easy-to-use design is a must process to ensure you achieve the objectives of your business. But before then, here are examples of health and wellness services that require impressive designs:

  • Medical reference apps allow users to access specialized medical services
  • Clinical and diagnostic apps for storing user details and allowing user access to medical history
  • Healthy lifestyle apps for dieting, pregnancy, fitness, and other physical development
  • Reminder apps for updating users on their appointments
  • Remote monitoring apps for checking real-time user’s health such as heart rate and level of oxygen.

In a nutshell, there are many apps that play a big role in shaping the lives of service providers and patients, too. That is why the UX design team of such apps and programs must follow specific guidelines and practices to ensure the success of the health and wellness solution.

In this guide, we explore all the insights of creating the best website design for health and wellness, including the health and wellness design process, the role of the UX team in health and wellness development, and UX design for health and wellness best practices.

What is the role of design in health and wellness websites?

The design part in the health and wellness development processes plays a crucial role in ensuring the business achieves its set objectives and users are satisfied with service delivery. Below, we describe the importance of good design in the health and wellness industry:

  • Brand identity

A good design aligns perfectly with the products and services offered by a specific health & wellness organization.

For instance, a design with gym equipment will identify the brand as a fitness service provider. A design with doctor’s equipment will identify the brand as an establishment delivering a wide range of doctor’s services.

This makes it easy for users to find and determine the kind of services they are looking for. Again, a good design helps the business stand apart and beat the competitive market.

  • Enhanced patient experience

A health and wellness design plays another big role in improving customer experience. By guiding users through the navigation paths and access to pages with different services, users find it easy to make use of the space, execute several processes and perform some functions in a smooth manner.

  • Better telehealth services

A good health and wellness design enables patients to access virtual telehealth services.

By streamlining the processes, the design creates convenience and attracts a larger user base to embrace telehealth approaches, thus benefiting both the service providers and patients too.

  • Promoting the overall health of individuals

Well-designed health and wellness apps with a seamless user experience attract a large user base while encouraging users to monitor and keep track of their general health, thus creating a society full of awareness on matters of health.

As long as the design is easy to navigate through with valuable interfaces, many people will use them promptly.

  • Medical device sales

By creating user-centered design in medical device development. Many users will start using these devices as they refer others to the same. In the end, a user-centered design promotes massive sales of the devices, thus benefiting the business at large.

Benefits of a good design for health and wellness

An intuitive and valuable design for health and wellness solutions has a wide range of benefits to the users, including the following:

  • Efficiency & effectiveness

Expert designers can create a seamless design with simplified workflows and processes within an organization. This creates a productive and motivating working environment for all, thus enhancing efficiency and effectiveness.

  • Improved patient experience

A design created with the user preferences and needs in mind promotes user satisfaction. This is because users can easily move from one point to the next, find what they are searching for easily, and perform other related functions without needing extra technical help.

  • Better patient personalization

By conducting user research on the perfect design, the design team can effortlessly create a design tailored and personalized to meet individual needs. This high level of personalization enhances user engagement and prompts them to stay active throughout.

  • Better accessibility

We have users with different needs and capabilities. An all-inclusive design or a responsive design ensures everyone can access and use the services seamlessly. In the end, design plays a big role in reaching and serving a larger user base.

  • Creating awareness

A design goes beyond just serving and ensuring user accessibility. It plays a role in the marketing sector through promotions, campaigns, and educative forums in the community.

How to design for health and wellness: step-by-step process

Web Design for Health and Wellness

Creating a good design for health and wellness solutions is a technical process that requires experts with adequate design skills and knowledge. Below is a step-by-step guide to creating an intuitive and insightful design for health and wellness:

  • In-depth research

The success rate of a good design depends on the research. In-depth research helps designers create a user-centered design. There are different research processes and procedures to follow; it all depends on the resources available, project timelines, and the complexity of the project.

The research involves reaching out to the target users to determine the challenges and their general views on what they want and expect.

However, if it is hard to access users physically, you can perform desk research, which involves a detailed study of competitor analysis and analyzing trends & reports. The main objective is to gather user details, what they want to achieve, and the actions they perform frequently.

Below is a description of how trends and competitor analysis contribute to the research about creating an intuitive design:

Trends – Trends help the design teams determine the appropriate direction the product should head. Examples of trends in the health and wellness industry include getting adequate sleep, physical exercising, and embracing balanced & healthy diet plans. Such trends help the design teams create a design that aligns with industry practices.

Again, trends play a crucial role in tracking user data. The design teams don’t need to perform these processes manually; they simply use app monitoring tools or apps to analyze user behaviors and patterns. The insights collected help in designing an all-inclusive design.

Finally, trends help the design teams personalize user experience. By collecting and analyzing user behavior and patterns, they can personalize user processes to enhance satisfaction and beat the competitive market.

Competitor analysis – health & wellness is a wide industry with many entrepreneurs striving to deliver the best services. Therefore, before, before creating the final design, the teams should perform competitor analysis to determine how others are performing, the challenges, and best practices. The insights collected will help the design team tailor the final design to beat the competitive market and attract a large user base.

  • Ideation

After the research, the design team needs to put the data collected into actual context. The teams, therefore have to visualize the product’s end goal based on the gathered insights.

At this stage, product designers should be able to define the following:

  • End-user
  • Existing problems
  • The solution to the existing problems

While creating the overall concept, the designers can use sitemap value proposition canvas and user personas in the following ways:

  • User personas – This is an imaginary description of a product for a specific user. User personas put the design team in the shoes of the end-user they are designing for. Like how does the team feel about the design if they were the end users?
  • Value proposition canvas – this strategy is used by the design teams to sort users to understand and sort the features in a clear manner. Here, we have two core values playing different roles. They include customer profiles that explain what the users need to do, the challenges, and what they expect. The other component is a value map which explains the general value of the product, describing how the design will solve existing problems.
  • Sitemap – sitemap helps the design teams to create a seamless navigation path. It shows a clear structure of the design and how different sections connect to one another.
  • Wireframes

This is the third phase of the design process. It connects the high-fidelity creation phase and research phase by emphasizing the content and structure of the design without considering visual elements’ destructions.

The design teams, therefore, focus majorly on the design outlook and the overall functionality. They then create clickable prototypes to test the viability of the design in terms of navigation and general functionality.

  • Mockups

With wireframes complete, the design team can then create the visual elements of the product. They focus mainly on visual assets, like typography and colors, among others, ensuring they balance and meet the best design practices.

Health and wellness designing process challenges

While creating an interactive and intuitive design involves a few steps, there are a set of challenges that are inevitable. These challenges include the following:

  • Interdisciplinary collaboration

The health and wellness sector is a different industry and the design team is another industry under IT. When creating an insightful and engaging design, there need to be tech experts such as designers, administrators, and healthcare experts.

Bringing all these professionals to help share ideas and best steps to ensure the final design is successful. However, it can be a major challenge to get all these professionals at the same time, especially because of their availability and schedules. Besides, effective collaboration and communication might pose some challenges.

  • Finding the right talent

Getting expert designers who have a better understanding of the health and wellness industry can be hard.

You need a expert web design company with a better understanding of the health and wellness field at the same time a better understanding of the tech expertise in the design field.

  • Resistance to change

Sometimes, a healthcare organization may remain hesitant to integrate modern design practices as they are used to their traditional way of operation.

Persuading such a team may be challenging and may need some patience.

  • Limited resources

Health & wellness is a vast industry with a lot of processes and functionalities. As a result, creating an intuitive and responsive design will need more resources, especially if the organization is working under a tight budget.

However, the value a good design offers afterward can’t be compared to the resources used.

Design for health and wellness best practices

Below are some of the best health and wellness design practices that will enhance the success of the design.

  • Keep it simple

The design should remain simple, making the main functionalities and features accessible to users.

For instance, the sign-in or register page should be faster, easily accessible, and simple to complete the process. That is why doing user research helps in understanding user psychology, thus discovering elements to add to the design.

Avoid too many clicks and incidental questions when a user is trying to access something. This might leave them frustrated and bored at the same time, thus not completing the actions.

  • Design for the user

Designing for the user means creating a design that users will accept instantly. Focus on the website loading time and ease of task completion. Above all, create a design with specific objectives by identifying the target audience first before you begin the design process.

Collect as much feedback as possible, research the industry trends and practices and integrate all the insights you collect in the design.

  • Impressive outlook

A good design should not only be easy to use but attractive, too. Users need a design with well-balanced colors, a design with insightful & easy-to-read content, good fonts, text bolding, and good spacing.

As you strive to create a captivating design, remember the target audience as well. For instance, an app targets individuals who fall under stigmatized conditions like diabetes, epilepsy, and among others includes a design that will not attract the attention of others who want to review the patient’s details.

On the same note, if you are targeting older users, include larger texts for easy reading and interpreting.

  • Seamless experience and responsiveness

The health and wellness industry being vast, has users with different needs. Therefore, tailor the design in a manner that simplifies the work for users who are looking for solutions to their health and wellness matters.

Include content, imagery, and a patient-centered landing page while keeping a positive UX. Think of it like you are the end user using the solution. Tailor the design as you would wish it to respond and work seamlessly.

  • Reduced processes

Avoid any transactions or processes before a user can perform a specific function. Ideally, these extended processes make users lose interest along the way, thus failing to complete the intended actions.

  • Reduce distractions

Another element that creates a nuisance among users includes excess promotions, too many advertisements, wrong placement of articles, and irrelevant taps. All these cause distractions when a user is trying to process some functionalities. Advertisements and promotions should take minimal space, while articles and content should be placed in their own section to minimize or eliminate distractions.

  • Ensure observance of laws and regulations

Finally, the health & wellness industry has a set of guidelines and regulations every design should meet. Since there is the field involves using the personal details of the users, there should be strict privacy and data security measures to safeguard patients and all other user’s confidential information.

Before deciding on the design, review the set rules and guidelines that govern data privacy and security in the health & wellness field.

Examples of these guidelines and rules include HIPAA for the USA market, PIPEDA for the Canadian market, and EU data protection laws for the European markets, among many others.


The design plays a crucial role in delivering a seamless user experience, simplifying processes, and enhancing accessibility. That is why the design team should do extensive user research, create a plan, and follow best practices in the health and wellness industry to ensure they bring out a perfect design that aligns with user needs and the set guidelines and rules.

Want to develop a health and wellness website? Get in touch with our web development company : Aalpha information systems!


Written by:

Stuti Dhruv

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.

Stuti Dhruv is a Senior Consultant at Aalpha Information Systems, specializing in pre-sales and advising clients on the latest technology trends. With years of experience in the IT industry, she helps businesses harness the power of technology for growth and success.